Index to Rules

Title 33
Department of Corrections

The Florida Administrative Code is the official compilation of the administrative rules and regulations of state agencies. All formally promulgated rules of the Department of Corrections are contained in the Title 33 Chapters listed below. Links provided below go to Chapter 33 documents published on the Florida Department of State website.

  1. Alphabetical by Chapter Title
  2. Numerical by Chapter Number
  3. Spanish Translations for Chapters 103 & 601

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Numerical by Chapter Number

Chapter Title Effective Date
33-102 Legal Services  
33-102.101 Public Information and Inspection of Records 05/24/20
33-102.202 Qualified Representatives 08/02/01
33-102.201 Notice of Proceedings and Proposed Rules 01/12/21
33-102.301 Authority and Purpose 07/12/11
33-102.302 Public Inspection and Duplication 07/12/11
33-102.303 Final Orders Indexed 07/12/11
33-102.304 Numbering of Final Orders 07/12/11
33-102.305 System for Indexing Final Orders 07/12/11
33-102.306 Maintenance of Records 07/12/11
33-102.307 Plan 07/12/11
33-103 Inmate Grievances  
33-103.001 Inmate Grievances - General Policy 02/09/24
33-103.002 Inmate Grievances - Terminology and Definitions 11/24/13
33-103.003 Inmate Grievances - Training Requirements 05/27/12
33-103.004 Inmate Grievances - Staff and Inmate Participation 05/27/12
33-103.005 Informal Grievance 11/07/18
33-103.006 Formal Grievance, Institution or Facility Level 11/07/18
33-103.007 Appeals and Direct Grievances to the Office of the Secretary 11/07/18
33-103.008 Grievances of a Medical Nature 11/04/18
33-103.009 Grievances Relating to Admissible Reading Material 09/08/92
33-103.010 Grievances Regarding Lost Personal Property 02/09/05
33-103.011 Inmate Grievances - Time Frames 11/07/18
33-103.012 Grievance Records 03/25/08
33-103.013 Classification of Grievances 02/09/05
33-103.014 Reasons for Return of Grievance or Appeal without Processing 11/07/18
33-103.015 Inmate Grievances - Miscellaneous Provisions 11/24/13
33-103.016 Follow Through on Approved Grievances 11/04/18
33-103.017 Inmate Grievances - Reprisal 10/28/07
33-103.018 Evaluation of the Grievance Procedure 11/07/12
33-103.019 Inmate Grievances - Forms 11/07/12
33-104 Public Affairs  
33-104.101 News Media Visitors 12/30/2012
33-104.201 Representation of News Media at Executions 08/04/08
33-104.202 Procedures to be applied to News Media Representatives attending Executions 08/04/08
33-104.203 News Media Access to Inmates under Sentence of Death 08/04/08
33-104.204 Evidence of Entitlement to Access 07/06/80
33-108 Inmate Substance Abuse Testing  
33-108.101 Inmate Substance Abuse Testing 01/11/12
33-202 Design and Construction  
33-202.101 Public Hearings on Community Correctional Centers 07/06/97
33-203 Finance and Accounting  
33-203.101 Canteen Operations 03/05/2024
33-203.201 Inmate Trust Fund 03/29/22
33-203.601 Employee Benefit Trust Fund 09/18/16
33-203.701 Personal Vehicle Damage Reimbursement Claims 02/08/07
33-203.801 Restitution Claims 02/02/22
33-204 Food Services  
33-204.002 Food Services - DefinitionsNotice 12/30/2012
33-204.003 Food Services - Standards of OperationNotice 05/15/14
33-204.005 Cash Meals and Special Group MealsNotice 04/23/09
33-205 General Services  
33-205.101 Private Correctional Facilities - Requests for Proposals, Contracts, Construction and Operation 03/24/97
33-208 Personnel  
33-208.001 Personnel – General 07/19/12
33-208.002 Rules of Conduct 06/03/21
33-208.003 Range of Disciplinary Actions 02/22/16
33-208.004 Employment of Relatives 04/23/20
33-208.101 Employee Grooming, Uniform and Clothing Requirements 08/02/20
33-208.201 Relief Factor for Staffing Security Posts, Moved to 33-602.602 06/19/90
33-208.301 Employment Gender Policy for Security Positions, Moved to >33-602.603 12/20/92
33-208.401 Personal Vehicle Damage Reimbursement Claims, Moved to 33-203.701 02/08/07
33-208.402 Professional License, Certification and Registration Requirements 03/23/99
33-208.403 Random Drug Testing of Employees 02/13/12
33-208.501 Staff Housing – Definitions, Moved to 33-602.800 03/30/05
33-208.502 Staff Housing – Intent, Moved to 33-602.801 09/01/88
33-208.503 Staff Housing – Administrative Responsibilities, Moved to 33-602.802 03/30/05
33-208.504 Criteria for Assignment to Staff Housing, Moved to 33-602.803 14K PDF 04/20/10
33-208.505 Staff Housing – Rent and Utilities, Moved to 33-602.804 04/08/02
33-208.506 Staff Housing Agreement Form, Moved to 33-602.805 10/29/08
33-208.507 Responsibilities of Staff Housing Occupants, Moved to 33-602.806 3/19/09
33-208.508 Staff Housing Inspections, Moved to 33-602.807 01/19/03
33-208.509 Staff Housing – Repairs and Replacements, Moved to 33-602.808 03/30/05
33-208.510 Termination of Staff Housing Assignment, Moved to 33-602.809 03/30/05
33-210 Field Support Services  
33-210.101 Routine Mail 11/29/21
33-210.102 Legal Documents and Legal Mail 12/05/12
33-210.103 Privileged Mail 02/13/12
33-210.104 Institutional Mail 09/06/04
33-210.105 Community Corrections Mail 12/07/09
33-210.1011 Processing Routine Mail Electronically 09/16/20
33-210.201 ADA Provisions for Inmates Notice 11/22/23
33-210.202 Facility Requirements for Correctional InstitutionsNotice Notice 01/16/24
33-302 Probation and Parole Field Services  
33-302.101 Offender Grievance Procedures 09/29/04
33-302.102 Employer Notification of Supervision Status 03/04/01
33-302.1031 Correctional Probation Officers: Appointment and Responsibility 12/30/08
33-302.104 Correctional Probation Officers Carrying Firearms 05/07/14
33-302.105 Probation and Parole – Use of Force 07/22/10
33-302.106 Intrastate Travel and Transfer of Supervision 10/05/04
33-302.108 Monitoring Sex Offender Conditions of Supervision 04/07/16
33-302.109 Offender Orientation 04/07/16
33-302.110 Reporting RequirementsNotice 03/31/23
33-302.111 Early Termination of Supervision 11/09/08
33-302.115 Correctional Probation Officer Badges 09/20/04
33-302.116 Community Control 11/12/17
33-401 Health Services Administration  
33-401.105 Refusal of Health Care Services 08/06/13
33-401.201 Conditional Medical Release 02/07/02
33-401.401 Use of Tobacco Products 05/23/21
33-401.501 Communicable Disease Exposure and Testing 04/15/02
33-401.601 Medical Consultations by Non-Department Providers 10/30/05
33-401.701 Medical and Substance Abuse Clinical Files 07/15/18
33-402 Dental Services  
33-402.101 Dental Services - Generalnotice 05/25/2021
33-404 Mental Health Services  
33-404.101 Mental Health Services - Program Purpose and Scope 03/01/11
33-404.102 Provision of Mental Health Services 11/07/18
33-404.103 Mental Health Services - Definitions 02/10/22
33-404.104 Mental Health Services - Classification System 03/01/11
33-404.105 Consent to Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment 03/01/11
33-404.106 Admission to Isolation Management, Transitional Care, or Crisis Stabilization 03/01/11
33-404.107 Use of Force with Mentally Disordered Inmates 10/17/10
33-404.108 Discipline and Confinement of Mentally Disordered Inmates NoticeNotice 04/15/24
33-404.112 Risk Assessment of Inmates in an Inpatient Setting 02/10/22
33-404.201 Operation, Administration, and Designation of Corrections Mental Health Treatment Facilities 07/27/16
33-404.202 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Definitions 03/01/11
33-404.203 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Care of Inmates 03/01/11
33-404.204 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Use of Force 03/01/11
33-404.205 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Inmate Discipline 03/01/11
33-404.206 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Administrative Confinement 03/01/11
33-404.207 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Restrictions of Inmate Privileges 03/01/11
33-404.208 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Admissible Reading Material 03/01/11
33-404.209 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Forms 03/01/11
33-404.2095 Placement in Mental Health Treatment Facilities 03/01/11
33-404.2096 Emergency Placement in Mental Health Treatment Facilities 03/01/11
33-404.2097 Discharge From Mental Health Treatment Facilities 03/01/11
33-404.2098 Continued Placement in Mental Health Treatment Facilities 03/01/11
33-404.210 Corrections Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Consent to Treatment 03/01/11
33-501 Education  
33-501.301 Law Libraries 03/01/18
33-501.302 Copying Services for Inmates 10/23/08
33-501.401 Admissible Reading Material NoticeNotice 05/04/22
33-502 Applied Technology and Distance Education  
33-502.101 Inmate Access to Weight Training Equipment changes to 33-502.101 07/06/97
33-503 Chaplaincy Services  
33-503.001 Chaplaincy Services 08/15/17
33-503.002 Marriage of an Inmate While Incarcerated 08/15/17
33-504 Community Based Programs  
33-504.101 Probation and Restitution Centers 05/11/09
33-504.301 Community Corrections Partnership - Definitions 06/06/93
33-504.302 Community Corrections Partnership - Plan Approval Process 06/06/93
33-504.303 Community Corrections Partnership - Compliance and Funding 06/06/93
33-504.304 Community Corrections Partnership – County Work Camps 06/06/93
33-507 Substance Abuse Program Services  
33-507.001 Substance Abuse Program Services - General Policy 06/15/00
33-507.002 Operation of Substance Abuse Programs 10/29/01
33-507.201 Substance Abuse Services - Determination of Need 03/29/04
33-507.202 Substance Abuse Program Services - Inmate Procedures 06/15/00
33-507.401 Confidentiality of Substance Program Services Records 06/15/00
33-601 Classification and Central Records  
33-601.100 Inmate Orientation 02/12/15
33-601.101 Incentive Gain Time 08/10/22
33-601.102 Meritorious Gain Time 11/17/03
33-601.103 Award if Sentence is Expiring or Inmate is Transferred 10/08/98
33-601.104 Withholding or Forfeiture of Gain Time 08/05/13
33-601.105 Restoration of Forfeited Gain Time 09/25/23
33-601.106 Commutation of Sentence 10/16/12
33-601.201 Inmate Work Program 08/18/13
33-601.202 Use of Inmates in Public Works 10/28/10
33-601.209 State Classification Office and Institutional Classification Team 03/06/14
33-601.210 Custody Classification 07/14/14
33-601.211 Special Review 10/11/04
33-601.215 Classification – Transfer of Inmates 08/16/21
33-601.217 Elderly Offender Housing 03/06/14
33-601.220 Youthful Offenders – Definitions 03/06/14
33-601.221 Youthful Offender Classification Categories in Institutions 10/11/95
33-601.222 Reception Process for Youthful Offenders 09/11/97
33-601.223 Designation of Institutions for Youthful Offenders 08/30/16
33-601.225 Classification Screening for Youthful Offenders in Adult Facilities 12/12/11
33-601.226 Youthful Offender Program Participation 03/06/14
33-601.231 Basic Training Program - Purpose 01/25/96
33-601.232 Basic Training Program - Rules 02/26/89
33-601.233 Basic Training Program - Definitions 10/10/04
33-601.234 Basic Training Program Selection Process 10/10/04
33-601.235 Basic Training Program - Orientation 01/25/96
33-601.236 Basic Training Program - Operation 06/18/13
33-601.237 Basic Training Program - Inmate Privileges 10/10/04
33-601.238 Basic Training Program - Appearance and Hygiene 01/17/02
33-601.239 Basic Training Program - Dormitory Regulations 01/17/02
33-601.240 Basic Training Program - Inmate Conduct 11/20/12
33-601.241 Basic Training Program - Discipline 10/10/04
33-601.242 Removal from Basic Training Program 05/25/21
33-601.243 Basic Training Program - Employee Standards of Appearance, Conduct and Fitness 06/04/09
33-601.250 Specialized Programs Institutions 04/23/20
33-601.260 Administrative Management Units 09/06/20
33-601.301 Inmate Discipline - General Policy 02/12/15
33-601.302 Inmate Discipline - Terminology and Definitions 01/28/07
33-601.303 Reporting Disciplinary Infractions 09/22/09
33-601.304 Preparation of Disciplinary Reports 03/22/05
33-601.305 Inmate Discipline - Investigations 07/11/11
33-601.3055 Inmate Discipline – Use of Confidential Informants During Investigation 02/11/01
33-601.306 Disciplinary Team and Hearing Officer 10/01/95
33-601.307 Disciplinary Hearings 12/03/14
33-601.308 Disciplinary Team, Hearing Officer Findings and Action 01/18/211
33-601.309 Inmate Discipline - Review and Final Action 03/22/05
33-601.310 Inmate Discipline - Rehearings 02/11/01
33-601.311 Inmate Discipline - Miscellaneous Provisions 10/07/12
33-601.312 Telephonic or Video Disciplinary Hearings 05/21/00
33-601.313 Inmate Discipline - Forms 12/05/10
33-601.314 Rules of Prohibited Conduct and Penalties for Infractions Notice Notice Notice 01/11/24
33-601.401 Interstate Corrections Compact 09/23/03
33-601.501 Discharge of an Inmate 08/08/10
33-601.502 Discharge Gratuity 07/07/21
33-601.503 Discharge Transportation 11/16/97
33-601.504 Transition Assistance Program 08/19/20
33-601.601 Temporary Release of Inmates for Specific Purposes 09/03/13
33-601.602 Community Release ProgramsNotice 06/09/20
33-601.603 Furloughs 04/08/10
33-601.604 Determination of Credit When Inmate is Released in Error 12/03/14
33-601.605 Inmate Drivers 04/07/05
33-601.606 Placement of Inmates into Community Release Programs 03/02/11
33-601.711 Legal Visitors 06/18/02
33-601.712 Use of Cameras and Tape Recorders by Attorneys 02/25/02
33-601.7115 Consulate Visitors 03/03/08
33-601.713 Inmate Visiting – Definitions 01/26/23
33-601.714 Inmate Visiting – General 09/29/03
33-601.715 Visiting Application Initiation Process 03/02/23
33-601.716 Visiting Record Management 01/26/23
33-601.717 Visiting Denial 03/02/23
33-601.718 Review of Request for Visiting Privileges 07/09/12
33-601.719 Visiting by Former and Current Department and Contract Employees 11/09/08
33-601.720 Sex Offender and Child Abuse Offender Visiting Restrictions 08/30/16
33-601.721 Visiting Operations 02/13/12
33-601.722 Visiting Schedule 01/26/23
33-601.723 Visiting – Check-In Procedures 01/26/23
33-601.724 Visitor Attire 07/12/11
33-601.725 Permissible Items for Visitors 01/26/23
33-601.726 Visitor Searches 01/26/23
33-601.727 Visitor Conduct 01/26/23
33-601.728 Inmate Visiting Appearance, Search and Conduct 03/06/14
33-601.729 Denial or Termination of Visits 02/21/13
33-601.730 Visiting – Check-Out Procedures 05/27/02
33-601.731 Suspension of Visiting Privileges 01/26/23
33-601.732 Reinstatement of Suspended Visiting Privileges 03/02/23
33-601.733 Visiting – Special Status Inmates 06/28/12
33-601.734 Visiting – Disciplinary Confinement, Protective Management and Administrative Confinement 11/28/10
33-601.735 Non-contact Visiting 11/18/01
33-601.736 Special Visits 09/29/03
33-601.737 Visiting Forms 03/22/12
33-601.800 Close Management 02/28/22
33-601.820 Maximum Management 01/18/21
33-601.830 Death Row 01/18/21
33-601.901 Confidential Records 07/02/23
33-602 Security Operations  
33-602.101 Care of Inmates 10/09/18
33-602.110 Reward for Capture of Escapees 10/17/88
33-602.112 Inmate Death Notification Process 04/23/20
33-602.201 Inmate Property 07/22/21
33-602.203 Control of Contraband 05/19/21
33-602.2035 Inmate Substance Abuse Testing 06/09/15
33-602.204 Searches of Inmates 06/09/20
33-602.205 Inmate Telephone Use Notice 05/12/22
33-602.206 Emergency Management 03/10/11
33-602.207 Conducting a Business While Incarcerated 02/25/08
33-602.208 Social Networks N/A
33-602.210 Use of Force 03/01/22
33-602.211 Restraint of Pregnant Inmates 06/01/21
33-602.212 Escort Chair 01/10/18
33-602.220 Administrative Confinement 02/28/22
33-602.221 Protective Management 06/09/22
33-602.222 Disciplinary Confinement 02/28/22
33-602.223 Special Management MealNotice 02/21/24
33-602.224 Holding Cells 01/08/06
33-602.230 Institutional Visits and Tours and Inmate or Probationer Presentations and Programs for the Public 10/28/14
33-602.231 Use of Cameras by Visitors 03/16/98
33-602.232 Contractors, Vendors and Volunteer Visitors 03/08/98
33-602.601 Correctional Officer Uniform Requirement 12/12/04
33-602.602 Relief Factor for Staffing Security Posts 06/19/90
33-602.603 Employment Gender Policy for Security Positions 12/20/92
33-602.701 Use of Blue Lights and Sirens 10/29/08
33-602.800 Staff Housing – Definitions 07/01/17
33-602.801 Staff Housing – Intent 07/01/17
33-602.802 Staff Housing – Administrative Responsibilities 07/01/17
33-602.803 Criteria for Assignment to Staff Housing 07/01/17
33-602.804 Staff Housing – Rent and Utilities 07/01/17
33-602.805 Staff Housing Agreement Form 07/01/17
33-602.806 Responsibilities of Staff Housing Occupants 07/01/17
33-602.807 Staff Housing Inspections 07/01/17
33-602.808 Staff Housing – Repairs and Replacements 07/01/17
33-602.809 Termination of Staff Housing Assignment 07/01/17
33-602.900 Kiosk and Tablets 01/18/21
33.602.901 Video Visitation 01/18/21
33-603 Sentence Structure and Transportation  
33-603.101 Use of Committed Name 12/12/06
33-603.201 Transfer of Inmates 07/15/18
33-603.401 Gain Time – Definitions 04/21/96
33-603.402 Basic Gain Time 03/24/96
33-603.409 Cancellation of Administrative Gain Time and Provisional Credits 01/17/16
33-603.410 Credit for Time Served Following Apprehension in another Jurisdiction 03/30/95
33-603.411 Warrants for Retaking Offenders 05/11/23
33-603.412 Actual Release Date Notice 02/26/80
Index Master Numerical Index to Title 33 Rules