Email OBISTECH Clemency
DC Number: |
Name: |
Race: |
Sex: |
Birth Date: |
Scars, Marks, and Tattoos:
Current Prison Sentence History:
Note: The offense descriptions are truncated and do not necessarily reflect the crime of conviction. Please refer to the court documents or the Florida Statutes for further information or definition.
Current Community Supervision History:
Prior Community Supervision History:
Detainers:(Further information may be obtained by contacting the detaining agency)
Incarceration History:
Prior Prison History: (Note: Data reflected covers periods of incarceration with the Florida Dept.of Corrections since January of 1983)
Current Status Definitions: Active - offender is being actively supervised by the probation officer in the community. Active Suspense - offender is temporarily unavailable for direct supervision during the supervision term, due to being in custody in jail or another facility, but is still being monitored by a probation officer for release, arrest, etc. Absconder - offender absconds from supervision (his/her whereabouts are unknown and the offender is not available for supervision) and warrant is issued for violation.
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